Empid female


By general sweeping Nr Kettle Bridge, Darnall Sheffield SK3887 12.5.2002. These thumbnails open into larger pictures which were made by combining several photographs.

I just took a series of pictures of a fresh specamin, to try to combine them into one picture, but the specimen moved, the eyes collapsed, the proboscis moved back and the legs and head moved a bit.   Does anyone know how to prevent this from happening for about 10 minutes while I take the pictures?

Click on pictures for enlargement.

The best picture I could get from the data.

 Empididae 1
This picture is of Empididae 1 captured in the Sheffield area of South Yorkshire UK

The picture generated by my program.

out1.jpg (31310 bytes)

Since taking these pictures I have experimented with freezing the insects to keep them fresh looking until I am ready to take pictures, and it seems to work OK.


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